Synchronizing Playbacks Across Composition

Video summary: How to Synchronize Timelines and Queue Lists in ExaPlay

1. Introduction

  • This guide explains how to synchronize multiple timelines or queue lists in ExaPlay, a useful feature for setups where coordinated media playback is needed, such as in museums or multi-screen displays.

2. Creating Multiple Timelines

  • Start ExaPlay and create your main timeline, referred to as “Timeline 1”.

  • Add a second timeline by selecting to add another composition. Name this “Timeline 2” and add videos or other media to it as needed.

  • Position your media within each timeline according to your project requirements. Remember, by default, each timeline operates independently.

3. Understanding Independent Playbacks

  • Play each timeline to observe that they function independently. For instance, Timeline 1 might have a total duration of 4 minutes and 19 seconds, while Timeline 2 runs for 11 minutes.

  • This independence allows for versatile control over different content areas and scenarios within the same setup.

4. Synchronizing Timelines

  • When you need both timelines to play simultaneously:

    • Select Timeline 2 in the ExaPlay interface.

    • On the configuration panel on the right, locate and check the box labeled “Client” to designate this timeline as a client to another timeline.

    • Choose “Timeline 1” as the master timeline to synchronize with.

    • You will notice an icon change indicating that Timeline 2 is now linked with a clock symbol, showing synchronization status.

5. Verifying Synchronization

  • Verify that the timelines are synchronized by observing the playback time on both timelines. They should display identical times and remain in sync even when jumping to different positions within Timeline 1.

  • This synchronization ensures that both timelines are 100% frame-synced, allowing for seamless media playback across different outputs and devices.

6. Conclusion

  • Using ExaPlay’s synchronization feature, you can effectively manage multiple media timelines in a coordinated fashion, ideal for complex displays or installations where precise timing is critical.

Last updated